I really wasn't sure what to expect, as I've never opened a gallery before. I did m

y part, the gallery was all set up , m

y sister's paintings looked amazing. The showcases sparkled with all the shiny pieces I had been laboring over. My new counter-top/ display unit, courtesy of my good friend at Wood Roots Furniture, looked absolutely stunning. I had balloons and a hand made sign out front, all I needed was guests. I didn't have to wait long as a steady flow of people star

ted to stream in and before I knew it w

e were full and overflowing outside. Everything went very smoothly,

I had exceptional help from exceptional people. The Kran

ky Cafe catered some delicious mini quiches for me. I had wine, and Red Truck delivered me a keg of their finest lager. The time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was time to start taking the show down. Thanks everyone that came out to support me. I only wish that I had had more time to visit with everyone. I look forward to doing it again, please let me know if you are an artist interested in doing a show....
Loved the day Dustin, you did such a fantastic job! Love from your Mom
Dustin, your creations are so beautiful! Good job on the opening. Love Leslie
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