This past Saturday

D Gallery hosted a Christmas studio sale/ open house for Mindans designs (www.mindans.com) and DuKo designs (www.duko.ca). We pushed back t

he walls and opened up the entire space to accommodate for the potential of a crazed holiday rush. There was a steady flow of people through out the day, with many people picking up last second holiday gifts. Others were just stopping by to s

ay hello and some people indulged in various little treasures for themselves. Mindan was kind enough to provide some free jewellery gifts to a few pleasantly surprised guests. Snacks

consisted of mini quiches and awesome cookies from our favorite neighbors the Kranky cafe (www.facebook.com/KRANKYcafe). Steam whistle generously provided us with delicious ice cold beers and of coarse there was red and white wine, and other various refreshments. As well as fine hand crafted jewellery pieces we also had gorgeous hand made cards for sale,

provided by
both Aaron Grain and Kelsey Pangborn. There were Christmas tree decorations, made by local artist Jennifer Ettinger, with all proceeds going to Vancouver little league baseball. The room looked

great with all the various displays set up and the day ran very smoothly. I'd like to thank everyone who helped us set up and run the show and everyone who stopped by, and of coarse my lovely studio mate Mindan. I had a fantastic day and look forward to the next time D gallery hosts an event. I hope that everyone has a very safe and happy holiday season surrounded by many friends and family, and thank you for reading the DuKo designs blog, until next

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